Admissions website for Bridgewater State University’s Admissions Department.
When Bridgewater State University put in motion a full web platform redesign project, they hadn’t considered a separate admissions/recruitment site. Upon bringing their printed ‘viewbook’ to the table for content review and inspiration, I saw an opportunity to take the project in an interesting direction. While their main site still needed a more traditional style and voice, a digital-first approach with viewbook materials would provide the forthcoming ‘digital-native’ prospectives with a first-impression that speaks to them in a hipper, less formal tone they find both accessible and appealing. Additionally, the ‘You Decide’ solution offers Bridgewater features that the print medium cannot: social syndication tools, video, animation, interactivity, direct links to key information back on their main site, etc.
In order to succeed the visual design and user-experience needed to have enough wow-factor to inspire users to take a deeper look at the university. It also needed to be design and engineered with compatibility for devices like iPad and other tablets in mind, which was accomplished via a forward thinking HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript custom framework.